Sunday 5 May 2013

Words of wisdom

Okay, I know this blog is my positive place, but today, I need to vent a little. Last week has been filled with highs and lows. I have finally sold my house but I haven't found a new one yet. I have to leave mine on June 28th, and I'm afraid we are not going to find the right house in time ! I'm kinda freaking out here you guys ! So I'm hoping for an amazing solution, or at least, an amazing outcome !


  1. Oh goodness, that is such a scary situation to be in - I've been there before myself, so I totally know how you feel. It all worked out for me in the end, and I'm sure it will for you, too :)

    1. Thanks Cee, I'm shure it will work out, it always do, but it's still stressful !

  2. I know ! I did pin it too !
